May 27 Grand Prairie, TX Sunday VW Car Show & Swap Meet We are excited to be working with the local VW clubs of North Texas to bring the first ever DFW BUG JAM to Action Park, 1002 Lonestar PKWY, Grand Prairie TX 75050 ! This is an event to add to the amazing community of VW enthusiast and existing shows in Texas. We want to give VW owners a new platform to showcase the cars they love to a new user group. The Skateboarding and action sports crowd are the perfect group to relate to our air and water cooled vehicles. Skate and Bmx contest, bands, rc car racing, DJs and food vendors will round out the day with your Volkswagens. Get registered and come out and have some fun. Vendors and drivers please register at and use the form to register for the event and reserve your spot! For more info please shoot us an email at [email protected]