October 4 Biloxi, MS. Cruisin’ Keesler at Keesler Air Force Base! Car, Truck, and Bike show!!!, 11th Annual show at Keesler Air Force Base. 9am to 4pm at Marina Park, Keesler Air Force Base, Biloxi, MS. this is a Classic Cars, Trucks, Hot Rods and Bikes show. Judging at noon and Awards at 3pm. Vehicle entry fee is $25 (registered by Sept 14) or $30 (after). Free food & T-shirt for participants. 8am till noon. registration day of event. EZ check in for registered participants. Dash plaques,. top 25, best of show: engine, paint, interior, peoples choice, Commander’s choice. for base access, spectators must be valid DoD ID card holders or have a qualified DoD Sponsor to obtain a base pass. Participants without base access can call 377-0002, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. M-F to arrange base access. Registration a bottom of flyer. www.keesler81fss.us For more information, call 228 377-0002 or 228 377-3160