May 21 Covington, LA The Annual Magic of Memories Street Rod and Classic Car Rally open car show. The show is hosted by Lakeview Regional Medical Center Volunteer Auxiliary and the Kiwanis Club Northshore Mandeville. The show will be held at Lakeview Regional Medical Center located at 95 Judge Tanner Blvd. Covington LA. 70433. Registration will be $25.00 on the day of the show and $20.00 for pre-registered participants. Pre-registration information can be found on the Lakeview Regional Medical Center’s website. The show will start at 8:30am and registration will last until 11:00 am. Judging will be from 11:00am-12:00pm. Awards will be given out at 2:00pm. All proceeds will benefit the Louisiana Alzheimer’s Association. For more information contact Ricky Quigley at 985-237-9134 or Mike Pausina at 985-966-3165