November 15 Gulfport, MS “All Juiced Up’ Orange Grove Kruisers will be having it’s 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in 6pm-9pm at Arcadian Plaza (Fat Sumo’s). Which is located 2 miles north of I-10 (exit 34) on Hwy 49 on the south bound side, located next to The Golden Corral. There will be a 50/50 and other door prizes through the night. Their will be Valve cover outlaw racing providing we get enough kids to show up. To some of us like to sit by our cars but family and friends can easily walk to several Restaurants that you can leave you car and go get you something at Taco Sombrero, Sweet Peppers Deli, Fatsumo Sushi, and Golden Corral…. So come one come all and have soon fun, (Note: this cruise-in continues year round weather pending.)