38th Annual Mississippi Watermelon Festival car & truck show

July 16 Mize, MS 38th Annual Mississippi Watermelon Festival car & truck show. The Smith County Cruisers will host the Watermelon Festival car & truck show on July 16, 2016 on Main Street in Mize, Ms. Event time is 8:00 am-3:00 pm Awards will be presented to Best of Show car, truck & pre ’49  Top 15 Cars  Top 15 Trucks  Top 10 Pre ’49  Best Race Car  Top 10 ’90 Model & Up  Best Project,  Long Distance,  Club Participant, Hard Luck Award, and Best Rat Rod. Dash plaques and goody bags will be given to the first 100 entries. There will be door prizes, a 50/50 drawing and a poker walk. For more information contact: Max at 601-405-7685 (day or night), or email [email protected]  visit us on Face Book at Smith Cty Cruisers Flyer

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