August 12 Gulfport, MS 2nd Friday Hot Rod Hangout at Rebel Dip Drive-in 12399 U.S. 49, Gulfport, MS 39503 (N. of I-10) starts at 6:30 pm.. This event is supported by the He Man Woman Haters Yes Dear No Dear and Rebel Queen’s Clubs. 50/50 and door prizes. All proceeds benefit Women’s Resource Center Gulfport. Come out for an evening of Friends, Food, Fellowship, Fun, Hot Rods and one of the hottest playlist’s of music know to man. You never know what those He Men and Rebel Queen’s have up their sleeve but it’s sure to be a fun time. Don’t miss this one !! Be there or the Wolfman gone getca !! Hosted by the He-Man Woman Haters & Rebel Queens Yes Dear No Dear Club