April 16 Long Beach, MS $1,500 Drawdown Car Show & Cruise-in benefitting Justin Pearce. Saturday April 16th at the West Harrison Civic Center. 4670 Espy Ave., Long Beach, MS 39560. Car show / Cruise-in Silent Auction starts at 2pm – 6pm. All vehicles Welcomed. $20 entry fee per car. 50/50 raffle, food & drinks available for purchase. Drawdown starts at 6pm to midnight $20 per ticket – admits 2. Kerbside Band performance, Live Auction & Silent Auction to follow. BYOB. Appearances by: Shane Lester, Street Outlaws New Orleans, Da Hellion & Prime Evil. Info: Raegan Moran 228-669-9003 or Joey Moran 228-669-6336.